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| | Sinaitic Glagolitic-OCS Horology-Fragment | | | |
 | | |  | | | Electronic Edition:
The texts are subject to modifications. The electronic edition allows full-text browsing, textual structure analysis, the study of composition, design, and linguistic features including graphemes, orthography, vocabulary and grammar. | |  | |  |
| About the Manuscript: Glagolitic-OCS Horology-Fragment, Sinai/Egypt, St. Catherine’s Monastery, first quarter of the 11th cent., 1 f. parchment, containing part of a monastic midnight-service (mesonyktikon).
About the Project: The edition of the Sinaitic Glagolitic-OCS Horology-Fragment was additionaly included into the interdisciplinary project The Enigma of the Sinaitic Glagolitic Tradition, financed by the Austrian Science Fund (2011-2014). |
| © Transcript by N. Glibeti? (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), under the redaction of H. Miklas (Vienna University). © Preparation of the full-text database and web support within the framework of the "Manuskript Project", project head V.A. Baranov (Izhevsk Technical University).
With the generous permission and in collaboration with St. Catherine's Monastery, Mt. Sinai.
All materials are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works License. You must attribute the work referring to the project head Heinz Miklas (Vienna University).
Supported by The Austrian Science Fund (FWF), project P23133.
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