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about the project

February 19, 2011
Proposal for a unified encoding of Early Cyrillic glyphs in the Private Use Area published in the journal Scripta & e-Scripta (№ 8-9, 2010).

December 16, 2010
User's profile is open. You can view the list of texts you have acces to, request access to the new manuscripts, send message to administrator.

May 2, 2009
At the Internet presentation of the electronic critical edition of the Service Menaion for May (beta-version) on IAS "Manuscript" is accessible.

May 2, 2009
At the Internet presentation of the module of the Old Russian texts search and lemmatisation (ver. 4) on the IAS "Manuscript" is accessible.

May 2, 2009
At the information about the procedure for the registration on the portal of IAS "Manuscript" is accessile.

May 2, 2009
At the Internet presentation of the single textual query form of IAS "Manuscript" is accessible.

May 1, 2009
At the Internet presentation of the multitextual query forms of IAS "Manuscript" is accessible.

March 11, 2009
In connection with the using of a new server and a new DBMS version in IAS “Manuscript” some web-services functions of the portal “Manuscript: Slavonic textual heritage” may work wrong. Currently, the work for the localization of errors and problem-solving is in hand. The request to inform to the portal administrator about all the detected errors in the work of modules to the address admin (с)

February 13, 2009
As a result of the work for IAS "Manuscript" data movement to a new server sites and modules of the portal "Manuscript: Slavonic textual heritage" will be unavailable on February, 16th and 17th, 2009.

December 21, 2008
In the section Tools the access to the fifth version of the lemmatizator for the lemmatization of M.V.Lomonosov works is given (the authorization is needed).

December 20, 2008
In the collections of Slavonic Service Menaions for May the access to the first version of the critical edition is given.

August 18, 2008
On August, 29th within the frameworks of the conference "The Modern information technology and the textual heritage: from ancient texts to electronic libraries" lectures and the practical training "The information-analytical system" Manuscript ": linguistic and technological decisions, the user modules" will take place on which the demonstration of making of an electronic collection of manuscripts is planned.

December 23, 2007
Works by Mikhail Lomonosov (volumes 8, 10, 11) are published. The request web-form is used for the choice of documents by the metainformation and the generation of the indeces based on some texts or their pieces.

December 20, 2007
The multitext request web-form for the choice of documents by the metainformation and the generation of the indeces based on some texts or their pieces is implemented.

November 30, 2007
On December 17, 2007 a new authorization system for the Manuscript portal will be implemented. You can find information about how to obtain access to the portal resources here.

September 25, 2007
The cause of the mistake resulting in wrong display of some text pages in a browser InternetExplorer is found. For the correct text representation you must load and open the file Uniscribe Update for Manuscript System which resets fonts Menaion ( Windows ), the font Putiata.ttf ( Windows ) and the update of Microsoft(R) Uniscribe Unicode script processor for the correct Internet Explorer work (Windows 2000, Windows XP).

June 10, 2007
Victor Baranov delivered a lecture "The Manuscript Information-analytical system as a tool for storage, study and electronic publishing of Slavonic texts" at the University of Illinois on June 9 as part of the Slavic Digital Text Workshop 2007 "From Medieval Texts to Geo-Cultural Data (GIS): Applications in Slavic Studies for Scholars and Librarians".

June 10, 2007
Digital Humanities 2007, an international conference, was held at the University of Illinois (USA) on June 4-8. Victor Baranov, Roman Gnutikov, and Pavel Votintsev presented on the creation of the Manuscript information-analitycal system.

May 15, 2007
Version three of the automatic morphological analyzer of Old Russian is now available under "Tools".

February 1, 2007
The Manuscript portal won first place in "Mrezha-2006", the first contest of the Orthodox sites of Runet, in the category of "Internet Libraries And Services".

December 1, 2006
Version two of the automatic morphological analyzer of Old Russian is now available under "Tools"

November 30, 2006
The conference proceedings for "Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: from ancient manuscripts to electronic texts" (Izhevsk, IzhGTU, 13-17 July, 2006) have been published. (Photos from the conference.)

September 25, 2006
Version one of the automatic morphological analyzer of Old Russian is now available under "Tools". The module being tested is based on nouns and adjectives.

July 30, 2006
Materials from the Manuscript workshop held on July 17, 2006 are available under "Documents". These include presentations on the OldEd editor (8.3 Mb), the query and retrieval module (3 Mb), and the electronic publication module (7.3 Mb). There is also a new version of the instructions for working with OldEd editor and the query and retrieval module.

July 18, 2006
An international conference and workshop entitled "Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: From Ancient Manuscripts to Electronic Texts" was held on July 13-17 in Izhevsk, Russia. It focused on advanced means of preservation, description, processing, study and publication of ancient and medieval treasures of the written language.

June 1, 2006
Testing has begun on the Dialect linguistic geographic system (available under "Tools"). The module is intended for the preparation and publication of the linguistic maps of the Russian dialects of Udmurtia on the Internet.

May 10, 2006
We congratulate Lilya Faatovna Kilina on her award from the Council for Awards of the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Russian Chronicles as a Source of Study of the Old Russian Linguistic Vision of the World: Semantics and Computer Technologies", МК-5366.2006.6. The project involves preparing a digital publication of an edition of the "Povest Vremennykh Let" using three redactions of the chronicles.

May 3, 2006
The "Documents" section has a new version the Menaion font where the error in the display of diacritical marks and titlos in Internet Explorer is corrected.

January 6, 2006
The new site design and the English version of the portal are being tested.

December 12, 2005
In the collection of 11th century manuscripts, beta version texts and indexes of three Service Menaia of the 11th century (RGADA, F. 381 (Sin. tip.) №№ 84, 89, 91) have been published.

December 11, 2005
In the collection of chronicles the texts and indexes of Povest' Vremennykh Let, the beta version of two copies of the chronicle have been published.

December 10, 2005
In the collection of Service Menaia, beta versions of the texts and indexes of three Service Menaia for May of the 12th-13th centuries (GIM, Sin. 166, 176 sh.; RNB, Sof. 203, 136 sh.; RNB, Sof. 204, 133 sh.) have been published.

November 18, 2005
The user manual for the OldEd editor (ver. has been pulished in the "Documents" section. The editor can be downloaded from "Tools - Editor - Installation".

October 31, 2005
Two talks were given on October 26th at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: "Electronic Editions and Full-Text Databases of the Medieval Slavonic Hand-Written Heritage" (Victor Baranov, Izhevsk State University, Izhevsk) and "Principles of Construction, Technology and Special Modules of the Manuscript System" (Alexei Mironov, Udmurtia State University).

October 31, 2005
Two talks were given at the AZBUKY.NET conference (October 24-27, Sofia, Bulgaria): "The Computer Model of the Slavonic Text: syntactic units, relationships and properties in the database of the Manuscript system" (Victor Baranov, Izhevsk State University, Izhevsk) and "The Architechture of the Manuscript System and the Peculiarities of Lemmatization of Ancient Slavonic Texts" (Alexei Mironov, Udmurtia State University).

July 27, 2005
The English version of the site has been started.

June 7, 2005
A new design for the site has been introduced.

April 2, 2005
We congratulate A. Moldavan and project leader A. Pichkhadze (V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute) on their grant from the Russian Humanities Foundation for their project "Automatic morphological analyzer of the Old Russian", 05-04-12408в). The analyzer will be built as a module of "Manuscript".

March 31, 2005
The group of philologists and programmers of Udmurtia State University (Victor Baranov, Andrei Votintsev, Roman Gnutikov, Oksana Zuga, Andrei Lapin, Alexei Mironov, Svetlana Nikiforova, Sergei Oshtshepkov, Vitaly Romanenko, Tatiana Boldyreva) won the Russian Foundation for Basic Research competition for creation and development of information and telecommunication resources.
The leader of project 05-07-90217-в "Cuttig-Edge Technology for the Creation of Elelctronic Collections of Slavonic Manuscripts on the Internet: multiligual full-text database, means of input, access and publication" is Victor Baranov, Doctor of Philological Sciences.

February 15, 2005
Testing has begun on the "Registration" section. Registration allows users to access all resources on the Manuscript site.

January 15, 2005
A beta version of the electronic edition of the 12th century printed Gospel tetr(RGADA, v.381 (Syn. Press), No. 1) is now available, which includes the text and reference materials of the Gospel according to John.

January 15, 2005
A beta version of the electronic edition of the Hagiography of Aleksandr Nevsky is now available, comprising the text and reference materials of one of the 15th century copies.

January 10, 2005
A beta version of the electronic edition of the works by Mikhail Lomonosov is now available, comprising texts and reference materials for his letters and poetry.

December 10, 2004
The group of philologists and programmers of Udmurtia State University (Victor Baranov, Andrei Votintsev, Roman Gnutikov, Oksana Zuga, Alexei Mironov, Svetlana Nikiforova, Sergei Oshtsheptov, Vitaly Romanenko, Elena Ryabova) won the Russian Foundation for Basic Research contest for popular scientific articles.

December 8, 2004
Two talks were given at the EVA 2004 Moscow conference (November 29 - December 3) - "'Manuscript': A Full-text Multiligual Database of Ancient Slavonic Manuscripts: the experience of creation, use and assigning access" (Victor Baranov, Udmurtia State University, Izhevsk) and "Development of a Common Format of Data Exchange Between the Electronic Collections of Ancient Slavonic Manuscripts" (Vitaly Romanenko, Udmurtia State University, Izhevsk; A. Zobnin, Moscow State University, Moscow).

July 29, 2004
The creation of the Manuscript system was presented at the EVA 2004 London conference (Electronic Imaging, the Visual Arts Conference & Beyond).

July 7, 2004
Work has finished on the creation of the electronic copy of the Arkangelsk Gospel of 1092.

July 7, 2004
Work continues on the coordination of the format of the Manuscript system and the format of the database of the V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute.

July 7, 2004
Work has begun on converting 11th century Russian manuscripts into the Manuscript system.

July 7, 2004
The following volumes have been published:
System of Processing of Old Russian Texts: Reference Guide / V.A. Baranov, O.V. Zuga, A.N. Mironov, A.L. Mironov, O.I. Pulenkov, E.V. Ryabova. - Izhevsk, 2003. - 108 p.
System of Processing of Old Russian Texts: User Maual / V.A. Baranov, O.V. Zuga, A.N. Mironov, A.L. Mironov, O.I. Pulenkov, E.V. Ryabova. - Izhevsk, 2003. - 53 p.

July 7, 2004
Electronic versions of the Reference Guide and User Manual for the System of Processing of Old Russian Texts (Version 2.20) are available (see the "Download" section).