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Completed and ongoing projects
about the project

Votintsev, P.А. Votintsev, А.N. Mironov, Т.V. Kokorina, Е.А. Korepanova, А.А. Sokolova, I.S. Solomennikov, С.V. Oshtchepkov.
«Vocabulary and grammar of Old Russian copies of the XI-XIV cent. Service Menaion for May», grant RGNF, # 07-04-00369а.
Leader : V.А. Baranov
Team : R.А. Anikina, Т.А. Boldyreva, А.А. Votintsev, P.А. Votintsev, R.М. Gnutikov, Т.V. Kokorina, Е.А. Korepanova, А.А. Korortayeva, А.N. Lapin, I.М. Nekipelova, S.S. Smolnikov, А.Е. Safronov.
Completion date: 2007 - 2009

«Old Russian Slavonic Manuscripts on the Internet: portal», grant RGNF, # 07-04-12140в.
Team : I.V. Abramov, А.А. Votintsev, V.А. Romanenko, P.А. Votintsev, Т.А. Boldyreva, I.М. Nekipelova, А.А. Korotayeva, G.А. Glazyrin, А.N. Zhelonkin, S.B. Gaponenko, S.S. Smolnikov, А.А. Sokolova, А.N. Lapin, Т.V. Kokorina, R.А. Anikina, О.V. Goloviznina.
Completion date : 2007 - 2008

«Automation of the historical and linguistic and textological studies of the Old Russian Slavonic Manuscripts»; grant RGNF, # 07-04-10107б.
Leader : B.А. Yakimovitch
Team : V.А. Baranov, I.V. Abramov, А.L. Mironov, I.М. Nekipelova, А.А. Korotayeva, S.B. Gaponenko, К.А. Vashutina, Т.V. Kokorina, S.S. Smolnikov, R.А. Anikina.
Completion date: 2007

"Russian Chronicles as the Source of Study of the Old Russian Linguistic World View: semantics and computer technologies", grant of President of the Russian Federation in support of young scientists - Candidates of Science, # МК-5366.2006.6.
Leader : L.F. Kilina
Completion date : 2006 - 2007
Report form : Articles, electronic collection "Primary Chronicle".

"Automatic morphological analyzer of the Old Russian", grant РГНФ, # 05-04-12408в.
Leader : А.А. Pichkhadze
Completion date: 2005 - 2007

«Text Grammar and Language Grammar: noun morphology in the copies of the Slavonic Menaion for May from different time periods», presented at the international conference "Issues in Cyril and Methodius Research and 9th-10th Century Bulgarian Culture", Sofia, Bulgaria; grant provided by the Russian Humanities Foundation, #05-04-15109z.
Leader: V.A.Baranov
Completion date: 2005
Documentation: article

"Advanced Technology for the Creation of Elelctronic Collections of Slavonic Manuscripts on the Internet: multiligual full-text database, means of input, access and publication"; competition for creation and development of information and telecommunication resources, funding from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, # 05-07-90217-в.
Leader: V.A. Baranov
Team: Andrei Votintsev, Roman Gnutikov, Oksana Zuga, Andrei Lapin, Alexei Mironov, Svetlana Nikiforova, Sergei Oshtshepkov, Vitaly Romanenko, Tatiana Boldyreva.
Completion date: 2005 - 2007.

"New Computer Technologies for the Analysis of Medieval Documents: steps towards a dialogue between science and the humanities"; 2004 Russian Foundation for Basic Research competition, # 04-07-99604.
Leader: Svetlana Nikiforova
Team: Victor Baranov, Andrei Votintsev, Roman Gnutikov, Oksana Zuga, Aleksei Mironov, Sergei Oshtshepkov, Vitaly Romanenko, Elena Ryabova.
Completion date: 2004

"Grammatical Traditions of the Preslav School as Reflected in Old Russian Hymns", grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, #04-04-151663.
Leader: Victor Baranov
Completion date: 2004

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"Early and Middle-Russian Slavonic Literary Texts as Sources of Study of Russian (linguistic, textual and typological studies of documents through the use of computer technologies)"; "Russian Universities" program of the Russian Ministry of Education, # ур.10.01.042 (2004), ур.10.01.427 (2005).
Leader: Svetlana Nikiforova
Team: Victor Baranov, Oksana Zuga, Lilia Kilina, Elena Ryabova.
Completion date: 2004-2005

"Linguistic-textual study of the 12th-13th century Panteleimon Gospel (RNB, Sof. 1)"; grant from the Russian president, # МК–1742.2004.6.
Leader: Oksana Zuga
Completion date: 2004–2005

"Manuscript: A Multitextual Information Retrieval System for Medieval Russian Documents"; grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, # 02–07–90424–в.
Leader: Victor Baranov
Team: Andrei Votintsev, Oksana Zuga, Aleksei Mironov, Svetlana Nikiforova, Sergei Oshtshepkov, Vitaly Romanenko, Elena Ryabova.
Completion date: 2002 – 2004

"Full-text Databases and Issues in Publishing Slavonic Handwritten Documents"; grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Research, # 02–07–99602, 2002 research paper competition
Leader: Svetlana Nikiforova
Team: Victor Baranov, Andrei Votintsev, Oksana Zuga, Aleksei Mironov, Sergei Oshtshepkov, Vitaly Romanenko, Elena Ryabova
Completion date: 2002
Documentation: Article

"Specialized Editor for Processing and Researching Ancient Slavonic Handwritten Documents"; grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Research, # 02–07–90318–в.
Leader: Andrei Votintsev
Team: Victor Baranov, Roman Gnutikov, Svetlana Nikiforova, Vitaly Romanenko
Completion date : 2002 – 2003
Documentation: final report, Manuscript editor, editor description, research papers, conference talks.

"Linguistic-Textual Comparison of Orthographic and Phonetic variants in the texts of 12th-13th century Novgorod Gospels (reduced vowels)"; grant from the Russian Ministry of Education, "Russian Language" 2001 federal special program, state contract # 183.
Leader: Victor Baranov
Team: Oksana Zuga
Completion date: 2001
Documentation: final report, dissertation thesis, papers, conference talks.

"Information Retrieval System for Old Russian Texts"; grant from the Russian Foundation for Research in the Humanities, # 01–04–12027в.
Leader: Victor Baranov
Team: Andrei Votintsev, Oksana Zuga, Lilia Kilina, Aleksei Mironov, Svetlana Nikiforova, Sergei Oshtshepkov, Vitaly Romanenko, Elena Ryabova, Anastasia Sharova.
Completion date: 2001 – 2003
Documentation: final report, Manuscript information retrieval system, papers, conference talks.

"Publication of the 11th Century Novgorod Service Menaion for May (Putyatina Mineia)"; grant from the Russian Foundation for Research in the Humanities, # 00–04–16220.
Leader: Victor Baranov
Completion date: 2000 г.
Documentation: printed edition

"Poorly Studied Medieval Russian Manuscripts"; grant from the Institute, # 1BE984.
Leader: Victor Baranov
Team: Andrei Votintsev, Aleksei Mironov, Svetlana Nikiforova, Sergei Oshtshepkov, Vitaly Romanenko, Elena Ryabova, Anastasia Sharova
Completion date: April 1, 2000 – April 1, 2001 (continued until April 20th, 2002)
Documentation: final report, electronic publication

"Early and Middle Russian Gospels, Menaion and Hagiography: Texts as Sources of Study of Russian"; requested by the Russian Ministry of Education
Leader: Victor Baranov
Team: Oksana Zuga, Lilia Kilina, Sveetlana Nikiforova, Elena Ryabova, Anastasia Sharova
Completion date: 2000 - 2004
Documentation: final report, papers, conference talks, dissertation thesis

"Automation of Lexicographical Work with Medieval Russian Texts"; requested by the Russian Ministry of Education. GASNTI [government automated system of scientific and technical information] code 16.31.00.
Leader: Victor Baranov
Team: O. Pulenkov, O. Knyazeva, Aleksei Mironov, A. Osintsev, D. Trefilov (1996–1997), A.L. Mironov, Elena Ryabova, Oksana Zuga (1998)
Completion date: 1996 – 1999
Documentation: final report, papers, conference talks.

"Medieval Russian Church Service Texts as a Source of Study of the History of Russian: automation of the work"; grant from Goskomvuz, a leading organization of Moscow State Pedagogic University), 1995, "Russian Language, History, Culture" program (continuation of contract No. 19c/94).
Leader: Victor Baranov
Team: O. Pulenkov, O. Knyazeva, Aleksei Mironov, A. Osintsev, D. Trefilov.
Completion date: 1995
Documentation: final report, papers, conference talks.

"Medieval Russian Church Service Texts as a Source of Study of the History of Russian Language and Culture"; grant from GKVO (Russian State Committee For Higher Education), 1994, "Russian Language, History, Culture" program, a leading organization of Moscow State Pedagogic University; No. 19c/94
Leader: V. Markov
Team: Victor Baranov, O. Knyazeva, Aleksei Mironov, Svetlana Nikiforova, O. Pulenkov
Completion date: 1994
Documentation: final report, papers, conference talks

"Medieval Russian Church Service Texts as a Source of Study of the History of Russian Language and Culture: preparation for publication of the 11th Century May Service Menaion (Putyatina Mineia)"; grant from the Scientific Foundation, 1994, # Z17000/551.
Leader: V. Markov
Team: Victor Baranov, O. Knyazeva, Aleksei Mironov, Svetlana Nikiforova, O. Pulenkov
Completeion date: 1994-1996
Documentation : final report, grammatical index, papers, conference talks