Given a ready-to-render f?p
relative URL, this function adds a Session State Protection checksum argument (&cs=
) if one is required.
Note: ThePREPARE_URL functions returns the f?p URL with &cs=<large hex value> appended. If you use this returned value, for example in JavaScript, it may be necessary to escape the ampersand in the URL in order to conform with syntax rules of the particular context. One place you may encounter this is in SVG chart SQL queries which might include PREPARE_URL calls. |
APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL ( p_url IN VARCHAR2, p_url_charset IN VARCHAR2 default null, p_checksum_type IN VARCHAR2 default null) RETURN VARCHAR2;
Table: PREPARE_URL Parameters describes the parameters available in the PREPARE_URL function.
PREPARE_URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
p_url |
An f?p relative URL with all substitutions resolved |
p_url_charset |
The character set name (for example, |
p_checksum type |
Null or any of the following six values, |
DECLARE l_url varchar2(2000); l_session number := v('APP_SESSION'); BEGIN l_url := APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL('f?p=100:1:'||l_session||'::NO::P1_ITEM:xyz'); END;